It’s time to confront your giants!
This morning, I heard The Father say “It’s time to CONFRONT YOUR GIANTS”!
To CONFRONT means to…
“Present itself to something or someone so that dealing with it cannot be avoided” and to “Face up to and deal with a problem or difficult situation.”
A Giant is “The situation standing in front of your true freedom and victory.”
This invitation to ‘CONFRONT YOUR GIANTS’ is accompanied with SUPERNATURAL STRENGTH and GRACE!
There’s an opportunity and choice to get honest about your giants, look them in the face and deal with them.
There is divine strategy being released to those who are willing. Yes, this comes in intimacy with The Father, however I feel God saying “Invite the right people into your process.”
For instance…
If you are facing intimidation from stepping into your dreams/purpose, who can you invite into your life to support you in your journey of moving from fear to courage? Who can you ask to stand in support, encouragement and accountability?
If you are facing depression, anxiety, oppression, hopelessness, who can you invite into your journey out of isolation into community. Who can sit with you, hear you and support you out of pain into victory?
If you are facing lack of vision, drive, purpose, who can you invite into coach you, expose roadblocks and help you gain strategy?
If you are suffering in your marriage, who can you invite in for counsel, support, wisdom and love?
God is your source, however we were never meant to do life with him alone. You can pray for community, however there are practical steps to find community and friendship as well. When I was in a lonely and hopeless time in my life, someone told me “To have a friend, you must be a friend.” I needed to hear that truth! You have a choice and you are not a victim in your own life. You are powerful and you get to choose your path and your people.
If you choose to do life with people, I encourage you to choose AUTHENTICITY in relationships. I encourage you to take off the mask, stop hiding, be ok with being who you are, rather than who you think you should be or want to be. Authenticity and transparency were the scariest and most freeing choices I ever made. We make a choice everyday to show up and be real in our own lives and with those around us. The facade is exhausting and keeps us in captivity. I love this quote and there is power in your choice!
“Authenticity is not something we have or don’t have. It’s a practice — a conscious choice of how we want to live. Authenticity is actually a collection of choices, choices that we make every day. It’s the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.” ~Brené Brown
It’s time to “CONFRONT YOUR GIANTS” in order to step into freedom and victory. Will you choose COURAGE or will you bow down to FEAR.
I declare strength, grace and courage to confront the giants in front of you. I walk boldly in courage as I do the same in my own life. We were meant to live authentically, to lock arms in love, empowering each other and to boldly walk in victory beside one another.
But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15
What will you choose today?
Take Courage Friends!
Love & Courage,
Diane Anil