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This Christmas Season, I pray a blessing over each one of you.

Let us remember the reason for this beautiful season, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. God in flesh, our beautiful savior, the one truth, and the only way leading to eternal life! We have full access to our Creator, through relationship with His one and only son, Jesus. Let us all remember, Jesus is our ‘good news’ and our solution for all of life’s circumstances! Let us praise Him, celebrate Him, and give honor to Him, both in our suffering and in our joy!

For those surrounded by family and friends, I pray gratitude fills your hearts and minds, remembering how fortunate you are to be surrounded by those you love, and those that love you. For the lonely, I bless you with the tangible comfort of our Holy Spirit, as well as the unconditional and all-consuming love of our Heavenly Father. For the grieving, I bless you with supernatural strength and unexplainable joy. I pray that even in the places of great loss and deep sorrow, you feel hope arise and fulfillment within your heart. For the disappointed and discouraged, I bless you with hope, expectation, revelation, and the truth of Christ that releases freedom. For the hopeful, I pray you spread His hope and light everywhere you go, whether it be in your smile, your words, or your actions. For the wealthy, I pray you fill your hearts with thanksgiving and sew generously where you can, and as you feel led. For the less fortunate, I bless you with abundance, prosperity, wealth, multiplication, checks in the mail, gifts, upgrades, promotions, and surprises. For the afflicted, I bless you with miracles, signs, wonders, and testimonies of radical healing. For the healthy, I pray you count your blessings, celebrate your life, and pray for those who are suffering. For singles, I bless you with the peace of Heaven and deep comfort in your hearts, as you await your desires to be fulfilled. I pray you remember that you are loved, worthy, and a treasure to be found. For the married, I bless you with greater unity, deeper heart connections, healthy communication, and grace-filled understanding. For the blended families, I bless you with peace, authentic connection, clarity, discernment, and grace upon your relationships and homes. For single parents, I pray you experience pressure being released and weight coming off. I pray you are deeply rooted in the security, stability, and provision of our good father. I pray that as your children are away, you experience moments of rest and replenishment from the lover of your soul. For those experiencing division amongst family, I bless you with the ability to remain in love, release forgiveness, and put your hope in Christ alone. For those experiencing depression, I bless you with overflowing joy, love, and laughter, surrounding your heart, mind, soul, and spirit. For those experiencing anxiety, I bless you with the peace of God and His Glory to rest upon your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

For all, I bless you with the ability to always abide in Him, prioritizing intimacy over everything else. Let us not get distracted or caught in the natural realm of the hustle and bustle. May we come up higher, seated in rest, next to the King of Kings, singing praises and giving glory to the one that deserves it all. King Jesus! We love you! We choose to remember all you have done and all that you are!

Merry Christmas to all!


Diane Anil ~ Take Courage Ministries
